miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Vocaloid me!

Mikuuu <3, please don`t pay attention to the "things on the sleeves" I didn`t have time to make a better ones...so...

awwww <3

Me as Miku and my ex as kaito, I censored his face because he looked weird in this one...

Me as Miku, Dollmaster as len and Xu as Gackupoid : D in a highschool version of Vocaloid : D we made this in just one week! x_x, lazy, crazy people

Kaito(zackaito, not my ex) and me : D It was soooo fun!

I guess its a lil bit too late to post this, but oh well!

Es un poco tarde para mostrar mis fotos de miku, aun asi queria que las vieran : D pronto subire mas : D, bueno, doll como len, Xu como gackupoid, yo como Miku y mi ex como Kaito cantarella y German (zackaito) como kaito normal...: D I think we made it!

2 comentarios:

  1. q geenial se ve miku *--*
    esa peluca se ve linda xP


  2. estas muy linda kiku, si tienes mas pics te hago un banner para afiliarte.
