miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

2 love them..

So, Im Back, and Todays topic are my lovely pets (inner : oh boy! you are so boring!) eheh, well I know thats not so interesting, but animals are a big part of my life, im currently doing jobs releated to pets (like take care of orphan dogs and cats in a shelter) I love Animals, they are our brothers, they are free of sin, and they are our truly friends, there`s nothing sweeter than a puppy looking staring at you with that big and lovely eyes, and there`s nothig funier than a cat when its playing <3 awwww, but at least for me, let me introduce you my two pets!

Dog`s name: Sunny because she is golden <3

Kitty`s name: Peluza, its like fully, but with a Z XD

Los animales son una parte importante de mi vida, hoy les presentare a mis dos mascotas, son sunny, que es la perrita y Peluza, la gatita, para mi los animales son nuestros hermanos, criaturitas de dios, me parece muy malo esto del maltrato animal, razon por la que trato de conbatirlo forma parte de un refugio animal , donde cuidamos de gatitos y perritos! hay que tomar conciencia la verdad u_u

PD: ahaha I forgot the monkey of the first photo, thats me!

Olvide a la monita de la primera foto, esa soy yo XD

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